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Pet Dental Care

Your new pet needs pet dental care, pet tooth paste, pet tooth brush.  Also regular teeth cleaning by your Veterinarian.  You can prevent pet oral disease, pet bad breath, pet tooth decay by providing good pet dental care, both professionally and at home.  Most pet insurance plans cover pet dental care.

A good pet dental care program includes:

  • Regular visits to your veterinarian, including an oral exam.
  • Veterinary dental cleaning as needed.
  • Daily home pet dental care. 
It is recommended you brush your pets teeth every day after gradual introduction of pet toothpaste and a pet toothbrush.

Take the process slowly and gently with first introducing your pet to the toothpaste.  Toothpaste for pets is different than for humans.  It is not recommended that you use human grade toothpaste for your pet.   

You could put a little toothpaste on your finger and let your pet sniff it until it licks it off your finger.  If your pet does not like the toothpaste you can try another flavor.  Once your pet licks it off, give praise in a gentle voice and follow up with a special treat.  Repeat this for several days.

Once your pet is accustomed to the toothpaste move on to placing some on the front teeth.  Let pet lick it off, giving praise.  Gradually put the toothpaste on other teeth and gums while gently talking to pet.  Repeat with praise.  This gets the pet accustomed to and comfortable with you putting your fingers and later the toothbrush in its mouth.  Take all the time your pet needs to be comfortable with having you place paste on the teeth and gums.  Keep the sessions light and fun,  with lots of praise.

Next you are ready to introduce the pet toothbrush.  Go slow by letting him/her lick some paste off the bristles.  You want pet to feel comfortable with the bristles.  After this is accomplished, brush a couple of front teeth, slowly and at a 45 degree angle.  Gradually include more teeth as pet becomes comfortable. 

Introducing brushing in stages and taking lots of time with each stage enables your pet to readily accept tooth brushing. Allow a few days to a week for each stage.  Keep the tone easy and follow up each session with lots of praise and a treat.

Once tooth brushing is well established, begin looking for signs of dental problems.  You want to familiarize yourself with what plaque, tartar and periodontal disease looks like.  These conditions if left untreated can cause major medical conditions for your pet.

Your Vet will discuss the process of dental exams and cleanings.  

Supplies Needed:

Pet Toothpaste

Pet Toothbrush

Dental Chew Products

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